Nicholas Roerich Estate Museum in Izvara
Nicholas Roerich
Estate Museum
in Izvara
O.A. Cherkasova «Museum as the center of ecological education»

Nowadays museums-conservations and museums-mansions have some outstanding place in this process. Referring to the category of complex museum they reflect the process of science integration. Both Russian and foreign scientists emphasize that the comprehensive approach to preservation of cultural and historical heritage is characteristic for the museum function of documentation in modern conditions.

Functions of scientific research and protection of historical, cultural and natural values are highly important but at the same time they are oriented at the broadest possible use of museum collection in educational purposes. It is reflected on formation and organization of storage, exposition and exhibitions and is one of the most important components of this type of museum. Combining all the possible cultural monuments in museum space they present the unique scientific and education centers in terms of their capacities which actually include natural monuments, thus, combining historical and natural specialties, therefore, the role of museum-mansion in preservation and exploration of cultural heritage, opportunity of scientific cognition of the world, synthesis of science and art unalienable from the task of formation of planetary thinking is very important.

In its turn the system of ecological school education is also working towards education of ecological culture, targeted at “formation of new human value orientations, new ecological stereotypes of thinking implies interactive forms of education, the most perspective is organization of ecological monitoring over natural objects.

According to participants of this work the most popular programme is monitoring of park complex sets in old mansions.

This work unites schoolchildren, students and teachers who are interested in history, literature, natural studies, archeology etc.

Interests of school and museum coincide in this work, joint efforts produce successful result.

Practice of work of N.K. Roerich’s museum confirms efficiency of this direction of activity.

Nicholas Roerich Estate Museum in Izvara as natural monument and center of ecological education

Let’s consider possible activities of museum concerning ecological education taking example of N.K.Roerich’s museum in Izvara.

The Museum in Izvara is named after N.K. Roerich, the great artist, scientist and thinker, his life and creative activities show cognition of man of his unity with Nature and Cosmos, perception of nature as the origin of Culture.

He is known throughout the world as the landscape painter, forefather of historical landscape, supreme mountain painter. Enormous artistic heritage of N.K. Roerich accounts for more than 6000 of pictures, sketches, theatrical scenes, architectural projects. His canvasses depict nature of Russia, the North, Baltic Region and Scandinavia, Europe and America, India and Central Asia.

Art of N.K. Roerich is devoted to magnificence of Nature, Cosmos, Individual, ideas of peace, love and culture, the great sacrament of man-nature unity, micro and macrocosmos, sense of Reality.

These ideas are incorporated in his literary works, poetry, the play “Mercy”, journalistic papers, scientific, public and practical cultural and educational activity as well as organization of various cultural events in the USA, in particular, Roerich’s Museum, unique in its scale. A vast research and art-oriented Transhimalayan expedition was conducted under the auspices of N.K. Roerich’s Museum (1925-28).

Institute for Himalayan studies “Urusvati” which was founded in India, the Himalayas, valley of Kulu, state of Naggar in 1928 became a department of the museum.

Expedition to Manchuria and China organized by N.K. Roerich on the request of the US Department of Agriculture and conducted in 1935 had ecological targets. N.K. Roerich considered that Nature and Culture are undivided in life and creative activities of the human-being, in his spiritual evolution. The Humanity is responsible for conservation of natural and cultural heritage. This responsibility should be realized and become an active force.

Museum Address: 188414, Izvara Village, Volosovo District, Leningrad Region, Russia.
Phones: +7-813-73-73-273 (group tours); Phone/Fax +7-813-73-73-298 (general)
Museum Director: Cherkasova Olga Anatolievna E-mail: